I ordered two of the same one but it alright I’ll keep it. They fit right to my head feel good and i like the wide ties all and all so far so good…I got to get me a mesh one like meant to get.
Great pomade butter, brushes, oil, du-rag, patch, and lay down pad. The only thing is when you get it it’s all randomized like I know it says you may get a different set but everything is randomized as in the brushes, butter pomade, hair oil, lay down pad, du-rag, and the patch. Which by randomized I mean they all won’t be from the same set if anything you may get two or more things from the same set if you’re lucky.
I do like this! I’m a new customer. I like the lather of your shampoo bar! I just wish there were instructions on how to properly use all of the products.